
If you would like to reach out to Armadillo Stampede, fill out the form below. I’ll get it. I’ll ponder it. I’ll setup a sub-committee to review. After a stringent review, we’ll pass it onto the main committee for an up or down vote. And then we’ll get back to you depending on that vote. We keep it real here. We’re committee’d to it.

    To find your name, type the name of the first street you lived on + the name of your first pet.

    It's like mail, but e-eir.

    Don't call me, I'll call you... maybe.

    Don't hold back!

    Upcoming film!

    Armadillo Stampede produced a film. Currently in post production, but you can find out more details at

    Armadillo Stampede Newsletter

    You know the drill. I want to tell you about new content being created, and you want to hear about the awesomeness.

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      I am striving to build an audience so that Armadillo Stampede creations reach eyeballs. Please give a 'digital hug' by subscribing to your preferred social platform.