After years of learning, practicing, and experimenting, I am producing a film this year. The title of the script is

Rockets In Space: Rescue Above Neptune

I am learning so much. There’s the complex stuff around contracts, liability insurance, workers comp insurance, locations, etc. But I’m also loving script review, story boarding, planning, and more.

I just spun up the website as I’m starting the casting process for 4 of the roles in front of the camera.

I am taking the action to separate out the social media. I’ll be using the Armadillo Stampede social media (found on this site’s site bar) to speak to filmmakers about the journey. I’ll be using the social media accounts found on to interact with fans of the film.

Upcoming film!

Armadillo Stampede produced a film. Currently in post production, but you can find out more details at

Armadillo Stampede Newsletter

You know the drill. I want to tell you about new content being created, and you want to hear about the awesomeness.

    Stay Updated

    I am striving to build an audience so that Armadillo Stampede creations reach eyeballs. Please give a 'digital hug' by subscribing to your preferred social platform.