When I first got into filmmaking, I wrote a script for “Rockets in Space”. After years of studying filmmaking, collecting gear, and practicing, I have a plan to get there.

  1. One more short with my son and I – practice with all the finalized gear and workflow. I’ve already pitched the idea to him and he’s excited. He’s very proud of our previous short Allowance Owed.
  2. A zombie short to submit to film festivals. Will be working with actors and a team. I’m really hoping to show it at NHFF 2020 and SNOB 2020.
  3. Create video assets of a 3 foot long custom starship model. My first attempt at revenue generation for Armadillo Stampede.
  4. Actually making my Rockets in Space film. This will involve actors, set building, props, etc. It will be costly to my wallet. But I’m excited and plan to be in post production before the end of 2020.

So how am I going to do this? Well, I have been working to learn everything behind the camera. There are many great actors in the area. So as long as I keep my bad acting off camera, then I can focus on other things. Like writing, directing, editing, etc.

And how does Armadillo Stampede pay for all this? Well, let’s just say that the camera and lens are still on a payment plan. Luckily, I have a good day job as a Drupal Developer.

Just in case you were wondering, here’s my summarized list of gear:

  • Blackmagic Pocket 4k
  • Panasonic 12-40mm lens
  • Zoom H2n for sound recording
  • MSI Laptop with Davinci Resolve for editing
  • Lots of odds and ends like SSDs, lights, reflectors, tripods, glidecam, etc.

Upcoming film!

Armadillo Stampede produced a film. Currently in post production, but you can find out more details at


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